My eureka moment: Put your own mask on first (26/03/2023)


We brought my beautiful 5 year old daughter to our first school interview this week. I went to the interview filled with hope and left with my heart broken.

Everything that could have gone wrong went wrong. The kids wrecked the principal’s room – crawling under furniture and rearranging them. My daughter cowered behind me and almost bawled when the principal tried to talk to her. And to top it off, I got brain freeze and forgot how to string my words together!

Talk about a bad first impression!

As a result, my husband was super cranky (probably felt like he was the only normal one in the family) and we both felt that we failed in being good parents and teaching our kids how to behave properly.

Needless to say, it has not been a good week in our household. I was zapped of energy and motivation. My seb derm was playing up. All I wanted to do was to crawl under a rock and hide from all the problems!

This brings me to my ‘eureka moment’ of the week:


Anyone familiar with flights will understand the importance of putting your own mask on before you fit anyone else’s. I went around all week giving, giving, and giving to everyone around me.

But I didn’t give to me.

If you’ve been feeling like you’ve been run ragged and finding it hard to control your rash, take a step back from life. I don’t care what you do – take a day off work, tell your spouse that you need two hours away from the family… do what you need to have some ‘me-time’.

It’s not selfish, it’s love. This time-out will allow you to rest and look at things from a new perspective. And you’ll come back rejuvenated.

Just make sure you continue taking care of yourself before things get out of hand again.

Interesting finds:

The Ayurveda Experience Nicumin Black Seed Face Cream is 100% natural and has a balanced formula to target ‘confused skin’ that is sometimes too dry and too oily at other times. It’s enriched with black seed and niacimide, both of which are great for controlling seborrheic dermatitis. It smells amazing, thanks to essential oils like geranium and bergamot.

Recent articles:

I did a deep dive into sunscreens in recent weeks. I’ll tell you it’s bloody hard to find ones that are natural and yet safe for seb derm. Check out the finished article:

The 5 Best Sunscrens for Seborrheic Dermatitis   

Recent videos:

We’ve all heard how argan oil is amazing for our hair and scalp but is it actually safe for seb derm? I do a quick review in this video:

Stay healthy, happy, safe and rash-free!

Until next week,

Sharon G.

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