Here is sunny Queensland, we are heading into a humid summer – not my favorite time of the year. My Seb Derm control often gets a bit dicey in summer. Sweating, humidity and generally producing more oil all contributes to happy Malassezia yeasts.
As the cold and dry days start spacing out, I put away my heavier ‘ winter’ creams and place my ‘summer’ light-weight moisturizers front and center.
How do I know which creams are ‘winter’ and which are ‘summer’?
Through lots of trial and error.
There are so many moisturizers on the market with all sorts of active ingredients, everyone of them claiming to be amazing. There is actually no one best moisturizer for seb derm. It all depends on your skin type and sensitivity profile.
In fact, you may even need to use different moisturizers during the various phases of Seb Derm and the environment that you’re in.
Let’s be clear about one thing:
There is no moisturizer that will cure your seborrheic dermatitis or make it go away quicker.
However, the right moisturizer is important for these reasons:
– discouraging Malassezia growth by reducing sebum overproduction
– helping your skin repair after a flare of seborrheic dermatitis
– protecting your skin from the environment while its skin barrier is damaged
I wish I could give you a holy grail of moisturizers that you can use but you’ll need to do the hard work of figuring out your ‘soul creams’ yourself.
These are the 8 moisturizers I recommend. Have a look. They may be a good place to start.